Important: The graphics, images and methods have been developed by the author. Its use is exclusively for academic purposes and use in subsequent works without prior consent is prohibited. Reservoir Map in Siliciclastic and Lenticular Formations Second surrender: Fluid contact Author: Aldo Sardelli Msc-Geologist Reviewed by: Eugenia Sardelli Geologist-Specialist In the previous edition, everything related to the theme of the Isopic Maps of net oil sand in siliciclastic and lenticular formations was discussed. In this new edition, everything related to Gas-Oil, Gas-Water or Oil-Water Fluid Contacts, etc. will be discussed, generally finding water deeper than other fluids (oil, gas.) by density characteristic of it. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as the Orinoco Oil Belt south of the Eastern Basin of Venezuela, where there are records of inverted contacts, that is, the water is more shallow than the hydrocarbon (Water Contact -Oil) associated with...
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